
Contact Improvisation Dance - may 1 – 5 daily

Contact Improvisation Dance - may 1 – 5 daily

Mittwoch, 01. Mai 2013 | Einlass ab 09:45 Uhr, Beginn ab ca. 10:00 Uhr

In this workshop we explore different aspects of movement and improvisation. Our depart is to discover what our personal potential is, independently of everything else, meaning the variety of possibilities that arise intrinsically from us. What is the engine that makes our body move, what are those ideas, and concepts. We connect more and more towards the outside, absorbing and using the impulses and inspiration that comes from space, time, sound, other people in the room, etc. We try to understand with our senses what improvisation is and means to us, to the group, to a community. The point of depart is our own vital energy which is supported by emotions, images, and from there on we let it go and develop. Witnessing each other, offering feedback, is part of the process in which we express, whatever it is, whatever it happens, whatever we decide for whoever is there to listen. Improvisation is a vast word and I am enthusiastic every time that there is a new group, new situation or moment in which I can be curious and discover it for the first time.

Time: 10h to 14:30h. (with half an hour break)

Facilitated by Trinidad Martínez

Contact: Stefanie Meier; 0175 8265744

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